It seems obvious but there are millions of people who still haven't got it. Working with Mother Nature will help to keep the essential eco balance which we surely wish to hand over to the next generation. Bamboo grow at a rate of approx one meere a day, polyester and polypropylene is oil based. oil is a finite commodity.
maybe it is difficult to grasp but bamboo textiles really are ecologically better than most if not all fabrics. Humanity is changing the course of evolution. Nothing is damaged in the production of bamboo yarn and fabric. We at Bamboo-Textiles Ltd are proud that we take no part in using valuable water for irrigation, we do not intervene in the interdependency of species, we have an ethical policy which we are determined to adhere to. We use scrapped paper from a waste paper company for our packaging and cut offs for wrapping. We make bamboo sheets, bamboo duvert covers, bamboo pillowcases and bamboo baby towels. we do blend bamboo with cotton to make bamboo towels, bamboo chidrens pyjamas and bamboo cot sheets. These are all organic and will naturally biodegrade once our customers and their friends, children and charity shops finally have no use for them. that is they have become worn out ripped, and generally a bit embarrassing to use!